Friday, May 30, 2008

today i have worked really hard.... it was a hard lesson.... i was really concentrated in class... i have just started the plan.. the whole year 7 project is really fun...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

today we did our investigations i am on design and quite far
i lost all my work so i had to do all the work that i did the last lesson...
today i work really hard.
i have catched up and now i am on target

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

today was really fun we got to change our seats and sit with our friends. today i did question 2-3 of the design. today was strange i did a lot. today me and a friend found out the password of a friend, so she went to change it that took 5minutes. then she came back from the sims office and we my friend and i found her new passsword. she could not chnage the password again....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

today we have worked so hard, i had a head ache and now it is better because i found out the marks of my test.. i got 100% i am so happy...i think it is great. today i have finished my investigation and everything.

Friday, May 2, 2008

today we work exteremly hard. i am on the 4th question of the investigation. there is 5 questions. i have done a lot of work today!!