Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today we stated off with 15minutes of typing on the computer and then we did then we had to go and try this game that the teacher made for us, and we also had to finish our investigations which i had all ready finished...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Today we did our 15 minutes of typing and then we went to the year7 I.T blog and checked what we had to do. We had to answer 5 questions about computer and I completed them. So I did the work that the teacher gaves us today.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is my design cycle that I have done the last lesson. We created this because our teacher told us that we needed to know the disign cycle, most of us didn`t know it.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tuesday, 14th January 2008
On Tuesday we went on the typing exercise and and played game on the typing website. Then we went onto the year 7 I.T blog and checked what we had to do.

We had to learn a bit of vocabulary and then we had to get on with our work.

We did a microsoft office document on yawning and our teacher gave us a sheet of paper and we had to copy and put it on the computor and then decortate it!*!*!*!