Friday, November 28, 2008">
size="1">Original'>">Original Video - More videos at

Thursday, October 16, 2008

8th of October

Today I tried to finish my Photo story in order to do my plan.. I didn't finish either so I will finish them next lesson.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

2nd & 3rd of September

Hi everyone
I am sick today so I have not done any work..
Next week I will go to school and work.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Yesterday I did a lot of things, we played a lot of new games... I also did alot of work during class. I got up to question five. I will try and keep up my speed.. Yesterday also the class was very noisy. Miss got really mad at us... My friends Costanza and Caterina were always making jokes and started to switch of the computers, so we got into trouble....
Got to go

Friday, September 12, 2008

today we played 15 minutes of typing games. it was a bit tomuch time to play typing games. when we finished the games we continued working on our unit work. i was on question 2 and i catched up, now i am on question 5 i am so happy...!

Friday, May 30, 2008

today i have worked really hard.... it was a hard lesson.... i was really concentrated in class... i have just started the plan.. the whole year 7 project is really fun...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

today we did our investigations i am on design and quite far
i lost all my work so i had to do all the work that i did the last lesson...
today i work really hard.
i have catched up and now i am on target

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

today was really fun we got to change our seats and sit with our friends. today i did question 2-3 of the design. today was strange i did a lot. today me and a friend found out the password of a friend, so she went to change it that took 5minutes. then she came back from the sims office and we my friend and i found her new passsword. she could not chnage the password again....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

today we have worked so hard, i had a head ache and now it is better because i found out the marks of my test.. i got 100% i am so happy...i think it is great. today i have finished my investigation and everything.

Friday, May 2, 2008

today we work exteremly hard. i am on the 4th question of the investigation. there is 5 questions. i have done a lot of work today!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Today we continued on my investigation. i have worked a lot in my investigation, today a lot of people are on question four, i am in question two so next lesson i need to work extra hard.

Friday, April 4, 2008

today we started on the investigations during during class

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Today we (the whole) class went to the internet and listened to a turtorial on Execel. It was long and then after about 20minutes we went to the internet and played games. after we had to go and finish the tutorial.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Today we started a new I.T class with Ms. Castor. It was fun then she told us that we had a project to do. It will be hard and difficult. we will learn the population of all the contries we already know that china has the largest population.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today we started with 15minutes of typing then we started with the game that our teacher made for us it is a memory game then we started t0 finish the investigation that i finished so she gave us extra work on our humanities pamphlet. Then i started to research of the romans. Then i closed everything and then switched off the computer.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today we stated off with 15minutes of typing on the computer and then we did then we had to go and try this game that the teacher made for us, and we also had to finish our investigations which i had all ready finished...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Today we did our 15 minutes of typing and then we went to the year7 I.T blog and checked what we had to do. We had to answer 5 questions about computer and I completed them. So I did the work that the teacher gaves us today.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is my design cycle that I have done the last lesson. We created this because our teacher told us that we needed to know the disign cycle, most of us didn`t know it.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tuesday, 14th January 2008
On Tuesday we went on the typing exercise and and played game on the typing website. Then we went onto the year 7 I.T blog and checked what we had to do.

We had to learn a bit of vocabulary and then we had to get on with our work.

We did a microsoft office document on yawning and our teacher gave us a sheet of paper and we had to copy and put it on the computor and then decortate it!*!*!*!