Thursday, December 10, 2009

this term we created a Music Database, and we had to do the design cycle which concists of an investigation, a design, and plan, a create and finally a evaluation. I found this project in the middle of hard and easy. When i wrote the investigation i found that very easy because we just needed to write a few things about olden day databases. In the design i just drew three pictures of how i wanted my music database to turn out, i found that easy. In the plan we needed to write the step we did to create our database on access 2007. When we were creating i found more easier that when i explained the step in the plan. I found it very quick to create my final music database. At the end i needed to write a evaluation and i found that a bit tricky because i wrote it properly but then i didnt justify and so that brought my grade lower... i think that if i do this project again the only thing i would change is my evaluation and i would justify everything in detail, to get a better grade.

Friday, November 28, 2008">
size="1">Original'>">Original Video - More videos at

Thursday, October 16, 2008

8th of October

Today I tried to finish my Photo story in order to do my plan.. I didn't finish either so I will finish them next lesson.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

2nd & 3rd of September

Hi everyone
I am sick today so I have not done any work..
Next week I will go to school and work.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Yesterday I did a lot of things, we played a lot of new games... I also did alot of work during class. I got up to question five. I will try and keep up my speed.. Yesterday also the class was very noisy. Miss got really mad at us... My friends Costanza and Caterina were always making jokes and started to switch of the computers, so we got into trouble....
Got to go

Friday, September 12, 2008

today we played 15 minutes of typing games. it was a bit tomuch time to play typing games. when we finished the games we continued working on our unit work. i was on question 2 and i catched up, now i am on question 5 i am so happy...!

Friday, May 30, 2008

today i have worked really hard.... it was a hard lesson.... i was really concentrated in class... i have just started the plan.. the whole year 7 project is really fun...